Dear Friend,
The year is coming to a close, and all we can think of is spending time with loved ones once again. We yearn to not only start right where we left off before Coronavirus caused us all to be succumbed to our homes, but we envision us building a stronger movement during the moments that we’re apart so that we can ensure every Texan has the opportunity to pursue a life with dignity and respect.
We hope you’ll join us in the fight to build a more fair Texas in 2021 by contributing in honor of a loved one today. Every supporter who contributes as a result of this email will have the opportunity to publicly list who they are honoring below with the hope that this brings our online community a bit closer while physically distance this holiday season.
In solidarity, The TCRP Team
2020 honorees:
Luci Johnson In honor of my father, President Lyndon Baines Johnson
Shelley Allison In Memory Of Clara Marie Roberson
Nina Bernstein In Honor Of Mimi Marziani